
Under the Jones Cap Today

"Place confidence in a personal relationship"

Can a soda pop be stalking you?



This picture was taken by my roommate a while back. It was in this picture I realized I am like my parents, in that I can not stand empty shelves, and walls. I've grown up around "stuff" my whole life... apparently that never left me. There is some unnecessary messiness going on, but other than that, that's exactly how that corner of my room looks all the time. Ha. I also want my parents to note, how studious I am! :P
I should also note that since this picture was taken, that wall has got a lot more crazy and my desk a bit more insane. I might have an updated picture later. This pic actually looks quite tame now that I look at it :P



Messing around with Photoshop. Thought it was a fun pic.